Saturday, February 25, 2006

The Sight Of Sound

As I walked through the corridor
My gait brisk as usual
I overtook a man,
smartly dressed carrying
a walking cane.
By a quick glance across
I knew he was, visually handicapped.
Just momentarily I froze,
Thoughts raced my mind
Should I lend a hand,
I glanced once again.
He gave a bemused smile
And uttered, "Good Day!"
And moved on without
Giving another look.

Copyright ©2006 Mohamed Hilmy

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The Mind

The supremacy of mind,
Over matter is well known,
What is less known and amazing,
Is how efficient it works,
Without its master even knowing how.

It is the faculty that knows,
Between what is right and wrong,
It is a workshop with no shift changes.
It's work is never done,
So long as life goes on.

When you marvel at all the wonders,
Nothing is more complex,
And least understood,
Than the power of the mind.

Whether you feel happy or sad,
Whether you feel pain or pleasure,
You couldn't realize any emotion,
Until your mind made them up.

Copyright ©2006 Mohamed Hilmy

Sunday, February 12, 2006


All religions preach to do good.
When we abide by universal values
They'll turn out to be the principles,
That will hold up in the goodness of nature.
When we care and demonstrate our love
We can share the human fraternity
Knowing we will reach the eternity
Through our respective routes.

Let us not impose the self-righteous badge,
On others who choose their own path
Of divine inspiration, notwithstanding
The different streams that promise
The bliss of what we'll never know here.
If our actions do not harm or hurt here
any price to be paid ought to be hereafter.

Copyright ©2006 Mohamed Hilmy

Friday, February 10, 2006

Our Planet

The beauty of this planet,
our only dwelling place
is seen by those who go
high above and are in awe
of what they can see...

Our residential planet here
has no known replacement
Yet it continues to be ravaged
by man who is free to act
and protect this unique asset.

Global warming has become
An issue at the forefront
and the ensuing sea level rise
may find low lying countries
yet unprepared for this event.

If we fail to change course early
The consequences will be fatal
Not only for some of us but
for parts of this planet which
has stood through thick and thin.

Copyright ©2006 Mohamed Hilmy

Thursday, February 09, 2006

The New Technologies

It is cool to carry,
Gadgets with multi- functions,
It seems hard to imagine,
What our life would be like,
Without instant messaging and the internet,

With mortality ever increasing,
And more people living lives incredible,
Kudos to advancing research and science,
Amid challenges of a changing lifestyle,
Bringing more unknown and serious threats.

With travel and communication,
So conveniently available and affordable.
The world has become a global village,
When interdependent partnerships,
Are realizing the best benefits.

When technology is the buzz,
And we become cybercitizens,
How we connect with each other,
Has become more important than ever.

Copyright ©2006 Mohamed Hilmy

For My Love Of Good

My love for truth and justice
has been my guiding light
It is my moral compass
that always shows the true north.

I listen to my heart with an open mind
It is there I can find true love
and when I decide to do what is right
I know it can hurt no one else.

When I overcome the pull of flesh
and arise in the early morning
my mind is fresh to reflect and absorb
the beauty of everything that is good.

I love my parents ,my family and humanity
The love that gives me peace of mind
is when I apply the golden rule
Do unto others as you wish them do to you.

Copyright ©2006 Mohamed Hilmy
Submitted to

Onward Journey

From the time we are born
Our eternal clock starts ticking
Taking us along a path,
Sometimes of unexpected twists and turns.

If we believe there is a purpose
In why we are here,
We can all contribute,
For everyone to have a safer trip.

When our time is run out
We are consigned to,
The fire, the water, or the grave
The eternal rest in peace
Is ours to keep,
For a life lived with honor.

Copyright ©2006 Mohamed Hilmy
Submitted to

By The Sea

I love the sea and always will
It brings memories afresh
Of mom's watchful eye
over my playful misbehaviour
She was afraid of the sea
Lest I might fall into it
and die before she knew it.
But when the shore is,
your closest neighbour
and always welcoming,
None of her threats
can stop me sneaking out
when she was out of sight.
Now when I look back
I know if an accident happens
You can only blame yourself
and sadly those around you.

Copyright ©2006 Mohamed Hilmy
Submitted to

Everyone Can Win

If we look at life with a serious eye,
And play by what is fair and right.
To cherish every life,
Without prejudice and injustice.
Only then can we win.

When we tolerate and accept,
True diversity for who we are,
And if we choose to live,
In harmony with bountiful nature,
Everyone does better in this worldly life.

Before we ravage in conflict,
If we pause to remember,
The horror that it creates,
We can resolve our differences,
To live in peace and harmony

Copyright ©2006 Mohamed Hilmy
Submitted to

If Time Stood Still

How will you know when to do,
What you planned to do.
If you say you have no time,
Would that be the truth?

For those who seek pleasure,
Can they not have abundance?
For some who rather remain young,
Won't they be everlasting?

Others who seek the profit,
Can they fail to make the million?
When all is said and done,
Are you not better?
If time runs as it does now.

Copyright ©2006 Mohamed Hilmy
Submitted to

A Century Of Opportunity

When the much anticipated millennium
Finally arrived with pomp and splendor,
The world stood ready,
To embrace a joyous occasion.

Across the globe countries celebrated,
And were determined to make,
The new century a prosperous,
And peaceful one for all humanity.

With spectacular displays,
That dazzled and inspired the creative,
It was the ideal moment,
To continue the search beyond the glitz,
And create lasting good for all mankind.

If the memories can last,
With focus and drive remaining high,
And if the will to persevere can prevail,
This can be a century of unparallel glory

Copyright ©2006 Mohamed Hilmy
submitted to

On The Fast Track

Man has always travelled
But has never conquered
The seas often so majestic
Still the calm can erupt
Into waves so ferocious.

Every year thousands die
From disasters predictable
Yet the loss and painful memories
Soon fade into the past.

In haste we move
To meet the needs we create
Less is not the way
For the market can decide
An insatiable appetite to consume more.

Despite technology always promising
And the danger to nature ever alarming
The pace of industry continues to soar
With consequences more dire than ever.

Copyright ©2006 Mohamed Hilmy
Submitted to